
Home CopyWaterproofing

We offer several different types of waterproofing to fit the needs of the project and its conditions

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[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”Below-Grade Waterproofing” text=”We are approved applicators of many types of below-grade waterproofing membranes and products. Working with project consultants to offer a waterproofing solution for any large-scale underground basement and parking structures we can fit any budget and address the needs of any project.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]
[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”Metal Flashings” text=”We install Metal flashings at the base of building walls to protect the Roofing membrane and to provide an aesthetically pleasing finish to the perimeter.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]
[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”Hot Rubber” text=”Crystal Consulting Group is an approved applicator for Hot Rubber membranes. Our experienced installers ensure quality work for all applications.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]
[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”Pavers” text=”Crystal Consulting Group supplies and installs pre-cast concrete pavers on roof decks above-ground to provide an even walking surface. They can be removed and stored away easily during drain maintenance, cleaning, or future re-roofing.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]
[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”Traffic Membrane” text=”Traffic Membranes also known as Poly-urethane membranes, are applied on balconies, ledges, metal gutters, and suspended levels of parkades. We follow manufacturers’ recommended specifications in order to provide a long-lasting surface.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]
[eltdf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-apartment” title_tag=”” icon_color=”#88ba2c” title=”SBS Torch-On” text=”SBS Torch-On is a sheet membrane system that is installed on roofs, terraces, podium levels, and below-grade concrete structures. At every step of the process our team of professionals follow strict guidelines in order to provide a quality and long-lasting Roofing system.” custom_icon_size=”30″ text_top_margin=”7″ text_padding=”21″]

   Tel: (778) 294-4425 • info@ccigroup.ca
   #1100 • 21320 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC V6V 2X5